anti-cracking library 1.0

Debugger_Detect_API function
Checks if a user-mode debugger present.

Debugger/Cracker tools detection

function Debugger_Detect_API: Boolean;

Detects user-mode debuggers (like OllyDbg, Win32Dasm...) by calling API function.
Returns true if debugger found.

Because of using API is this function very easy to detect.
You should use this function at the beginning of your application (the best place for it is in project's DPR) and you should display a message like "Debugger detected. Please remove it from your memory to run this program." Of course, cracker will remove the message in few minutes, but it is important to warn programmers or other people who are using debuggers and aren't crackers that your program won't run correctly if debugger present.